Sheriff: Science teacher killed in largest pileup in state history on I-41 near Neenah

WINNEBAGO COUNTY -- Winnebago County Sheriff John Matz on Monday afternoon, Feb. 25 identified the 30-year-old Oshkosh man killed in what the sheriff said was believed to be the largest crash in state history.
It happened late Sunday morning, Feb. 24, around 11:15 a.m. The roadway reopened around 3 a.m. Monday.
The deceased was identified as Andrew Schefelker. The sheriff said Schefelker was a middle school/high school science teacher with the Iola-Scandinavia School District. Resources were put into place at the school to assist students and staff grieve the loss.
Sheriff's officials previously announced the crash involved 131 vehicles and 71 injuries. They said it was caused by whiteout conditions, and described it as a chain-reaction crash.
Sheriff's officials said Monday afternoon vehicle owners would be contacted when their vehicle is able to be released from impound.

The Winnebago County Sheriff's Office said the "vast majority" of the vehicles were destroyed.
"All but one person walked away from it. That is unreal to me," said Isral Debruin.
Debruin drove up from Milwaukee Monday to help his mother and stepfather -- among the injured.
"Their car was hit four times, including from behind by a semi," said Debruin.
Debruin's mother suffered a broken hand.

"We were slowed way down, and it just freaks you out because you know it's not good," said a driver.
"There are a lot of lessons. We ran out of vehicles. We have no more vehicles to give deputies that were responding to assist," said Sheriff Matz.
Sheriff's officials Monday released 911 calls -- adding another terrifying layer to this wreck.
"People are still getting slammed into!" said a caller.
"It was a weather-related crash. Certainly there are things we can do to reduce -- not going out in this kind of weather," said Sheriff Matz.