Security 'Stronger than ever' for Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade after recent terror attack
NEW YORK — Security for the Thanksgiving Day Parade will be "stronger than ever" this year, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio promised Monday in the wake of the recent truck terror attack in Manhattan.
It will feature heavy weapons teams, sand trucks, aviation units, K-9 units, and rooftop surveillance teams. There will also be increased screening. Security will be amped up although there are no credible threats against the parade, according to WPIX.
"There are no credible and specific threats against these events. That being said, we will have a very forceful NYPD presence, we will be prepared for any eventuality," de Blasio said. "There’s a lot of presence you will see, and as we always there will be presence you don’t see that helps to protect all New Yorkers."
On Thursday, intersections along the parade route will be blocked off.Police say there will be an officer on every street corner.
No backpacks, umbrellas, coolers or chairs will be allowed and people in attendance will be screened.