School safety and security summit held in West Bend

WEST BEND (WITI) -- Students filled classrooms at Badger Middle School this President's Day, but they weren't children they were adults.

"People would walk out of here very emotionally tied to the experience and what they were going to learn so that they went back and took action immediately," said West Bend School District Superintendent Tim Neitzke.

School staff, police and fire officials, the FBI, and Homeland Security representatives gathered for a School Safety and Security Summit.

"It covers everything from cyber safety, to drug and gang issues to active threat shooters scenarios and how to respond," said Neitzke.

It's the first time the West Bend School District has held an event of this size with over 260 people representing nearly 130 agencies across the state.

This allows all of the individuals involved in handling a school emergency to discuss how they can work together.

"We have to be prepared for everything that includes knowing what the teachers are doing prior to us arriving, knowing what the police is going to do, knowing what we're going to do as fire and EMS so that we're all working on the same page," said West Bend Fire Chief Gerald Kudek.

It also promotes the collaboration of proactive measures to support students.

"Be able to identify early when kids are threatened of they're feeling bullied, provide them with the support services they need but then what to watch for if there is someone who is percolating and potentially planning something," said Neitzke.

School officials say they plan to use what they learn to implement new safety protocols.

West Bend school district officials say they hope to make the School Safety and Security Summit an annual event.