Residents urged to run water to prevent pipes from freezing
WEST BEND (WITI) -- Officials at the West Bend Water Utility are asking residents to take precautions in order to keep water lines from freezing.
It is suggested that residents run their water for five minutes at least three times per day in an effort to keep water service lines from freezing. The Water Utility estimates the cost to be a few cents per day to run water three times per day for five minutes each time.
Why should you run the water this way? Right now, the potential for underground pipes to freeze is extremely high with frost near record depths. There have been approximately 40 frozen services since January 30th. Resources to thaw underground lines are strained, with crews on call 24/7 and at times working around the clock.
If a customer notices a significant drop in pressure or flow (potential signs of freezing), the Utility is suggesting that those residents let their water run for five minutes, then reduce flow to a constant trickle until the threat of freezing pipes is eliminated. This is especially important for customers who typically don’t use much water, and for residents of dead-end streets where there is limited water movement.
Letters were sent to the more susceptible customers who should be running their water at a trickle constantly. The City will reimburse those customers per the guidelines set by the Public Service Commission.
A notice will be published when it is considered safe to discontinue this practice.
Monitor FOX6 News and for updates on this developing story.