Post-debate survey shows Obama leading Romney

NEW JERSEY -- The latest Rasmussen Reports Survey shows President Barack Obama leading Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney 49% to 47% following last week's first of three presidential debates.

The survey questioned 1,500 likely voters.

A survey of 1,300 likely voters in a swing-state tracking poll shows Obama leads Romney 50% to 45%.

In swing state Virginia, Romney leads Obama 49% to 48%. 500 likely voters in Virginia were surveyed after last week's debate. 3% of those voters remain undecided.

Three weeks ago, Obama led Virginia -- 49% to Romney's 48% -- indicating the race is nearly a dead heat in the state.

In swing state Ohio, Obama leads Romney 50% to 49% -- again indicating a near dead heat. In Ohio, 90% of Romney supporters say they are certain they will vote for him and not change their mind, compared with 80% of Obama supporters who say they are that certain.

In swing state Florida, Romney leads Obama 49% to 47% following the debate. Last month, the race was Obama 48%, Romney 46%. Florida voters are evenly divided over which candidate they trust more to handle the economy.

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