Poll shows close races for presidential, U.S. Senate campaigns in WI

WISCONSIN -- The latest Public Policy Poll released Monday, September 17th shows close races for the presidential and U.S. Senate campaigns in Wisconsin, with Democrats holding a slight lead over Republicans.

Public Policy Polling conducted a poll of Wisconsin residents for Democracy for America that showed 49% of voters plan to support President Barack Obama in the Nov. 6th election, one point more than the 48% who plan to support Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

The poll also showed Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Tammy Baldwin leading Republican Tommy Thompson. Baldwin received 48% of support in the poll compared to Thompson's 45%.

In its mid-August poll, PPP had shown Thompson leading Baldwin by five points.

Baldwin has raised over $7 million, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Thompson has raised just under $2.5 million.

Roughly three-fourths of Baldwin's campaign contributions come from out of state, according to the CRD. Thompson's campaign contributions are almost equally split between in- and out-of-state donations.