Police searching for thieves who stole guns from home
WAUWATOSA (WITI) -- Police are searching for two men who broke into a home and stole nearly a dozen guns, in broad daylight. FOX6 News has learned it could have been days before the theft was reported if it weren't for a watchful neighbor.
On May 3rd, a homeowner who wished to remain anonymous was working out of town, when he got a call from Wauwatosa police -- letting him know that his home was the scene of a burglary.
"I had roughly 10 guns taken, a coin collection, all the bullets were taken and then all the cases for the guns," the man said.
According to a police report, the estimated value of everything taken tops $7,000. The weapons were all legal, and included mostly rifles and shotguns. The guns were taken from three different areas in the man's home.
"All the guns that I had were pretty much, some of them were my uncle's, some of them were my dad's. Just handed down over the years," the man said.
The burglars would have gotten away clean if it hadn't been for a watchful neighbor. She told FOX6 News her suspicions began around 9:00 a.m. when she noticed a strange car parked along her neighbor's backyard. Eventually, she went outside and saw a man running out of the house with an arm full of guns.
"She was pretty scared, I mean, once she saw that the guys had guns and she figured that maybe they had guns themselves, she got pretty scared and she ran into the house," the victim told FOX6 News.
The woman ran inside and called 911. However, though the police arrived in minutes, it was just enough time for the thieves to get away.
"I don't want to see those guns in the wrong hands," the man said.
Wauwatosa police have not said whether there are any suspects in custody. However, they say two partial prints were found at the scene, along with possible DNA evidence.