Police must re-evaluate school fight after FOX6 interview
WEST ALLIS -- A Nathan Hale High School student broke up a fight in a bathroom that sent another student to the hospital, and after FOX6 interviewed this student, police say they need to go back and do some more digging.
West Allis Hale High School senior John Schuster spoke exclusively with FOX6 about how he saw a 16-year-old student of Asian descent getting beaten up in a bathroom by a 15-year-old and others. The 16-year-old victim suffered injuries to his face that are so bad, he ended up at Children's Hospital.
"There were two kids over a kid on the floor, so I pushed a kid off, and helped him up and took him to the office. His eye was completely shut, nose bleeding. There was a mark on his forehead. He got beat up pretty bad. He got kicked in the face," Schuster said.
A school spokesman told FOX6 via phone that the district believes the incident was "probably mutual" - a one vs. one verbal fight that turned physical.
West Allis police say while they are still investigating, they believed the fight was mutual as well - until they saw FOX6's interview with Schuster. Police say Schuster told them at least a somewhat different story when he was interviewed by an officer, following the fight Monday morning.
Police say because of Schuster's interview with FOX6, they will have to go back and do more questioning.
Currently, the Milwaukee County District Attorney has not filed charges against the 15-year-old or anyone else. Now, they may have to weigh the new information brought forward by FOX6.
The school and the police department could not comment on the immediate status of the 16-year-old and how he's doing.