Tips to revive struggling perennial gardens this spring

You plant them in hopes that they'll come back year after year, but that isn't always the case! Melina Myers joins FOX6 WakeUp with some advice for reviving those struggling perennials. 

Tips to Revive Struggling Perennial Gardens this Spring :

Improving the soil will help improve plant growth, water absorption and water retention. If your garden is struggling but not bad enough to start over, try this…

  • Spread an inch or two of compost over the soil surface
  • Lightly rake
  • Use an auger bit to push compost into the soil in scattered locations throughout the garden
  • Aerates the soil – better water absorption – less watering needed
  • Compost improves the soil – healthier plants, less fertilizer and pesticides needed

**Join Melinda for her Gardening Webinars, visit to register.

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