New poll shows health care, environment are important issues with Nevada voters
LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — Health care, the environment and the economy are top issues for Nevadans who were surveyed for an 8 News Now/Emerson College poll just a few days prior to the Nevada caucus.
According to the statewide poll which questioned 425 people, 27.7% said health care was the single most important issue in deciding what candidate will get their vote. The environment was a major concern for 23.7% and 19.3% said it was the economy.

A breakdown of the data showed people 50 – 64 years old were most concerned about health care followed by the environment and people 30 – 49 years old were most concerned with the economy.
When it came to ethnicity, whites/Caucasians were most concerned about health care and the economy while blacks/African Americans were most concerned with health care followed by social issues. Hispanic/Latinos were most concerned about the economy, Asians listed their top concern as health care which was also a top concern with “other or multiple races.”
For statistical purposes only, can you please tell me your ethnicity? When it comes to deciding for whom you will vote for president, which one of the following is the single most important issue in deciding for whom you will vote:

VIEW: Crosstabulation for the 8 News Now/Emerson College poll