"Need to be careful:" Attorney General Schimel issues warning about credit card skimming devices
MADISON -- Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel, in conjunction with the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection and the FBI has issued a warning about credit card skimming devices.
These devices have been discovered at gas stations across the state.
The skimmers are small, nearly invisible devices that capture sensitive data and are inserted into credit card processing machines by criminals, going undetected by gas station and retail store proprietors. Once the credit or debit card information has been stored on the device, criminals can use the data to make fraudulent purchases.
“Wisconsinites always need to be careful when handling sensitive bank and credit card information, but unfortunately, many of our friends, neighbors, and relatives are unknowingly giving this information to fraudsters through skimming schemes,” noted Attorney General Schimel in a news release. “Local, state, and federal law enforcement are working hard to catch these criminals, but there are actions consumers can take to protect themselves.”
You can protect yourself by taking the following action:
If you believe you have been a victim of credit card skimming, contact law enforcement and your bank or credit card issuer.
The Wisconsin Petroleum Marketers and Convenience Store Association is aware of the problem, is aiding gas stations and retailers in preventing this type of theft, and is fully cooperating with all law enforcement investigations, according to a statement from Schimel's office -- the Department of Justice.
Meanwhile, the FBI, the DOJ and the DATCP are collaborating on a review of the recent complaints of credit card skimming at gas pumps and ATMs statewide.
This collaboration is being managed by the Wisconsin Statewide Information Center (WSIC) and DOJ officials are requesting that agencies with information regarding skimming incidents contact WSIC.
CLICK HERE for information on what to do if you've been victimized by a credit card skimming device.