MPS employees rally for 7th annual blood drive
MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- The 7th Annual Milwaukee Public Schools Employee Blood Drive was held on Tuesday, February 4th.
“We've had many folks from my area donate for the first time right here where as I don’t think you could have gone and had them make an appointment on their own,” said Joseph Devereaux, Supervisor of Maintenance and Repair for MPS.
Devereaux said 59 employees signed up for this year’s blood drive, and that was their goal.
“It is fun for people to be part of something larger than they are,” said Devereaux.
This year they are also coming together for World Cancer Day, by adding a “Be the Match” booth which allows people to register for the National Marrow Donor Program.
“They could potentially be a cure for someone battling a blood related cancer,” said Todd Coleman with the Blood Center of Wisconsin.
The sign up didn’t take long for those who decided to register -- just a few minutes of paperwork and a quick cheek swab. But what they were signing up for could be a little intimidating.
“I won't lie it is a little scary that you might be a match, you might go through one of the two procedures,” said Courtney Hoze, a MPS Intern who signed up for the database, “It’s also liberating as well to be able to help someone. I never had that type of opportunity before.”
Right now there are 11 million people registered with the national marrow donor program, but officials with the Blood Center of Wisconsin say it's still not enough.
“For the small amount of discomfort you may experience it's more enjoyable knowing that you saved someone's life,” said Coleman.