Mortgage on fallen Appleton firefighter Mitchell Lundgaard's home paid in full
APPLETON (WLUK) -- The mortgage on fallen Appleton firefighter Mitchell Lundgaard's home was paid in full, The Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation announced Tuesday, July 23.
Lundgaard was killed in a shooting on May 15 at the transit center in downtown Appleton.
Lundgaard left behind a wife and three sons.
According to a news release, the mortgage was paid after Rush Limbaugh announced a $2 million donation, a portion of sales proceeds from his Stand Up For Betsy Ross T-shirts.
Tunnel to Towers CEO and Chairman Frank Siller announced the donation would be used to make sure the families of six American heroes would know their home is theirs forever.
The foundation also paid off the mortgage of five other officers killed in the line of duty:
The Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation was established in memory of a New York firefighter who died in the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and the foundation supports the families of first responders.