More than a half-million voters cast early absentee ballots in Wisconsin

MADISON — More than a half-million voters have cast early absentee ballots in Wisconsin.

The Wisconsin Elections Commission reported Tuesday, November 1st that more than 518,600 people have cast ballots with a week to go before election day.

Of those, about 30 percent have come from the Democratic counties of Milwaukee and Dane. In the 2012 election, about 26 percent of all ballots cast came from those counties.

About 16 percent of early votes have come from the conservative stronghold counties of Waukesha, Washington and Ozaukee. Those suburban Milwaukee counties are imperative for Donald Trump and Republican Sen. Ron Johnson if they hope to carry the state.

In 2012, about 12 percent of all ballots cast came from those counties.

The Wisconsin Elections Commission is reminding voters that if they have an absentee ballot, it should be mailed or returned directly to their municipal clerk’s office right away.

“The law has changed and absentee ballots must be delivered to the municipal clerk’s office by election day or they will not be counted,” said Michael Haas, administrator of the Wisconsin Elections Commission in a statement to FOX6 News.  “To give USPS enough time to do its job, we are urging absentee voters to put their ballots in the mail one week before Election Day. If you are not sure if your ballot will arrive in time, you can still deliver your absentee ballot to your municipal clerk’s office or the polling place on election day.

According to the Wisconsin Elections Commission, Thursday, November 3rd is technically the last day for most people to request to have an absentee ballot sent by mail, email or fax from their municipal clerk’s office.

But because of the change in the law that requires absentee ballots be returned to the municipal clerk by election day, anyone who cannot get to the polls on election day should consider voting absentee in the clerk’s office instead of requesting a ballot to be sent to them.

Absentee voters who are in the military, hospitalized or serving jury duty have later deadlines, and should contact their municipal clerk for details.

Most municipal clerks have in-person absentee voting in their offices through Friday, November 4th, and a few may have office hours over the weekend.  Voters must be registered before they can request an absentee ballot.

The last day to register to vote in the municipal clerk’s office is Friday, November 4th.  There is no voter registration on the Saturday, Sunday, or Monday before the election.

Voters may also register to vote at their polling place on election day.

For help finding your municipal clerk, visit or call 1-866-VOTE-WIS.