Milwaukee Sista Strut, breast cancer cure fundraiser

"Strut with our heads held high" was the message at Milwaukee's annual V100.7 Sista Strut. 

FOX6 is a sponsor of the downtown Milwaukee event. 

The walk works to increase awareness of breast cancer in Black women and raise money to find a cure. 

The American Cancer Society says as of 2019, breast cancer became the leading cause of cancer death for Black women, despite them being less likely to be diagnosed with it. 

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One breast cancer survivor, diagnosed with the disease at age 33, said these types of events offer a great support system.

"I think today, really having a chance to raise awareness about breast cancer, about early detection, about what you can do to seek treatment is really important," she said.

Some of those in attendance said they wanted to remind Black women that early detection is key, and sometimes, you have to be your own advocate in order to get the best care.