Milwaukee leaders organizing regional heroin summit
MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Milwaukee Common Council President Michael Murphy, along with other city leaders, are working with five nearby counties to organize a regional heroin summit -- calling on the region to come together to put an end to the heroin epidemic.
It's a problem seen across Wisconsin, in nearly every county, that leaders have tried tackling through public service announcements and community forums. The City of Milwaukee is now working on a new effort.
"We all have a vested interest in trying to solve these issues," said Murphy. "The drug trade with heroin knows no municipal boundaries."
Organizers hope to bring together different government officials, law enforcement and health agencies at the regional summit on heroin.
"This is not just for us to get together and talk about the problem. I want real solutions to what we can do together," said Murphy. "Too many young people are throwing their lives away. We have an obligation to work and try to stop this."
Workers with IMPACT Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services say they have seen the heroin problem first hand and work every day to help people fighting addiction.
"Addiction has no blinders on. It can affect anybody," said Patricia Gutierrez with IMPACT.
Gutierrez says the first step to eliminating the growing problem is awareness, and talking to your children.
Murphy is hoping to hold the regional heroin summit this coming spring.