Milwaukee Co. Sheriff’s Explorer Unit helps fellow Explorer in need

FRANKLIN -- 21-year-old college senior Cory Brennan not only had to deal with his mother's suicide, but pay for the funeral and her debts as well.  They were fees he couldn't afford, but Brennan's law enforcement friends stepped up in very generous way.

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, sheriff's deputies and other colleagues in the Explorer program gave Brennan the support he did not expect -- a check for $1,042 to help pay off debts his mother still needed to settle.

“I'm not even a police officer.  I'm not a deputy sheriff.  I'm not sworn in, but to be in the same league as them, to be recognized by them, it's overwhelming,” Brennan said.

Brennan lost his mom to suicide and was left to arrange her funeral, while still putting himself through his last eight months of college at UW-Parkside. “Just having all the phone calls come in, people that are looking for mom and looking for money from her,” Brennan said.

“It's a second large family.  Someone’s always there to back you up, in case you need it,” Luke Courtier, a Staff Sergeant with the Milwaukee County Explorer Post said.  He helped organize a fundraiser for Brennan.

Brennan is a member of the Kenosha County Explorer Post.  It’s a program for young adults who want careers in public safety.  His advisor, Tim Hackbarth, sent an email to other explorers about Brennan’s situation, and the Milwaukee County Post responded to immediately.

“Within two weeks, we got a hot dog sale going.  We had it at the south facility jail in Milwaukee,” Courtier said.

“It's pretty amazing how everyone's stepping forward to help him out,” Hackbarth said.

They say it's the least they can do to help a fellow brother in need, but for Brennan, the show of support leaves an everlasting impact. “This will help me, take care of me until I leave in January, and it's more than I can ask for,” Brennan said.

After graduation, Brennan will be joining the Army to become a ranger.

Meanwhile, explorers from all over the world have offered their support, from Alaska all the way to Afghanistan.

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