May 6th marks solemn day in Wisconsin labor history

BAY VIEW -- Sunday, May 6th, hundreds marked a solemn day in labor history. A commemorative event was held describing the Bay View Massacre that dates back to 1886.

Thousands of laborers organized in Milwaukee on May 6th, 1886, demanding an eight-hour work day.

Wisconsin's governor ordered troops to "shoot to kill" any strikers who attempted to enter a mill. The crowd approached the mill and were fired upon. Seven people were killed.

A union representative described Milwaukee's role in what became a national movement.

"They marched and rallied in cities and towns all across American and contemporary reports say rallies in Milwaukee were among the most spirited," Stephanie Bloomingdale with the Wisconsin AFL-CIO said.

The fight for the eight-hour work day is called one of the most significant labor standards in our country's history.

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