Man who spent jail time with Zocco offers insight on Dwyer
MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Prosecutors have called him a suspect. Police say he's a person of interest. Kris Zocco is the man police say was the last person to see 27-year-old Kelly Dwyer before she disappeared last fall.

Kelly Dwyer
Now a man who spent time in jail with Zocco is telling us what he knows about Dwyer's disappearance.
He wrote FOX6 a 4-page letter revealing dozens of never-before-revealed details in the case.
"It reminds me of a young girl by the name of Alexis Patterson. And in the African-American community it was heart-felt for everybody because she's missing and has been missing for over a dozen years," the former inmate said.

The man who sent the letter, who has admittedly been in and out of jail for non-violent crimes most of his adult life, says he and Zocco talked for hours behind bars.
He doesn't want FOX6 to reveal his identity because he says he doesn't want people to think he's a snitch.
But he turned over notes of his conversations with Zocco to Milwaukee police, who say they're taking the information very seriously.
"He had made comments I thought were, you know, not so smart comments about Kelly's disappearance," the former inmate told FOX6.
Police say the last time Dwyer was seen in public was eating at a restaurant on Milwaukee's east side on Oct. 10, 2013.
But at some point she made her way to Zocco's home, where, according to court documents, the couple got high and had sex.
"He made a comment that she was 'speedballing' and that she had got wasted," said the inmate.
While in jail, Zocco allegedly said Kelly would never be found -- and he referred to her in the past tense.
"He was open about it," says the inmate.
After Dwyer went missing, police searched Zocco's apartment building for blood, hair, bones and human remains.
"He told me that he was being watched, you know, by law enforcement, very closely," the inmate said.
They didn't find Dwyer, but police say they did find drugs and child pornography, which is how Zocco ended up behind bars with a man who could lead police to the answers they've been looking for.
"It's not whether or not they should trust what I am saying is true or not," he said.
"It is just a person is missing and she needs to be found and it is unlikely that she will be found alive. It's not about me, it's not about him, it's about her, so they need to find her."