Local municipalities get more time to send absentee ballots to soldiers
MADISON -- The Wisconsin Department of Justice and Government Accountability Board have extended the deadline absentee ballots from soldiers can be turned in by entering into a federal consent decree. According to the GAB, 65 municipalities did not meet the February 18th deadline in sending absentee ballots to those in the military who requested them for the April 3rd Presidential Primary election.
“The State of Wisconsin has already changed its election laws to comply with the new federal Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act and ensure that these voters have enough time to get their ballots back home to be counted,” said Kevin J. Kennedy, Wisconsin’s chief election official. “But because of delays in sending ballots by some local election officials, the U.S. Department of Justice sought a federal consent decree, which will be effective through the Fall 2012 elections.”
Thanks to the consent decree sought by the DOJ and GAB, municipalities are allowed to send the ballots late, but the cast ballots still must be postmarked April 3rd.