Karl Rove's group pours another $1.2m into Senate race

MADISON (AP) -- Karl Rove's political action group has poured another $1.2 million into Wisconsin's Senate race for ads attacking Democratic candidate Tammy Baldwin.

Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies announced the latest ad buy on Tuesday, October 9th. That brings its total spent on the race since mid-August to $3.8 million.

Baldwin and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee also launched new ads attacking Republican Tommy Thompson.

The latest Marquette University Law School poll released on the race last week showed Baldwin with a narrow four-point lead.

The Crossroads ad attacks Baldwin's position on health care, replaying a clip of her voicing support for government-run health care.

The ads come on top of a new Thompson spot released Monday, October 8th that accuses Baldwin and her supporters of being liars.