Judge issues statement in Artis Echoles drowning case
RACINE (WITI) -- Eight-year-old Artis Echoles died almost 25 years ago. The boy's mother, Carmin White, petitioned a Jefferson County judge to have her son's death re-investigated. A judge decided to reopen the case, but an investigation did not uncover enough evidence for charges to be filed in the case, the boy's mother learned Monday, April 29th.
"To me it's like they just still just brushing my child off, but I'm not going to stop here. I believe in my heart that God is testing my faith to see where I'm at. After all, I did this to myself, but I'm not giving up. I don't care if I have to fight for the rest of my life for my son, to right this wrong, that's what I'm going to do," White said.
The official decision was released on Wednesday, April 30th, along with a written explanation.
READ IT: Artis Echols report