Incoming Democratic lawmaker calls Sen. Ron Johnson 'scum'

Senator Ron Johnson, President Donald Trump

An incoming Democratic state lawmaker from Madison called U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson “delusional scum” in a tweet Thursday after the Republican said he is considering challenging Electoral College results in Congress.

Francesca Hong, who was elected in November to represent a downtown Madison district, tweeted in response to a story about Johnson considering the objection to Democrat Joe Biden's win over Trump.

“This delusional scum continues to crawl further into 45′s (expletive) instead of representing the people of WI who need survival checks and relief,” Hong tweeted. “The last time I spoke to his office, his staff assured me they would do more than provide lip service. This ain’t it.”

Sen. Ron Johnson

Hong did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the tweet. Johnson's spokesman also did not immediately respond.

Johnson, when speaking to reporters in Washington on Wednesday, did not rule out challenging the results of the Electoral College when Congress meets on Jan. 6 to formally certify the vote. Johnson also announced that the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, which he chairs, would be holding a hearing next week on “irregularities” in the 2020 election.

“I would say it depends on what we found out," Johnson said when asked if he would object to the election results. "I need more information. The American people need more information. I’m not ready to just close and slam the book on this thing and go ‘OK, let’s walk away from it.’”

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Republicans who control the Wisconsin state Legislature have scheduled a similar hearing for Friday.

Biden won Wisconsin by nearly 21,000 votes. Trump has two pending lawsuits, one in federal court and one in state court, trying to overturn the election results in Wisconsin. Trump also wants to join a case in the U.S. Supreme Court that seeks to overturn the results in Wisconsin and three other states. The Texas attorney general, who brought the lawsuit, bases the case on false and unsupported allegations that have been discredited in other courts.

Hong wasn't the only Democrat upset with Johnson's comments. U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan, who represents Madison in Congress, tweeted the same article with criticism of Johnson.

“Wisconsin’s biggest embarrassment continues. @SenRonJohnson’s desperate need for Donald Trump’s approval is beyond being a sycophant and bordering on being a cult follower or stalker,” Pocan said. “Either way, not a good look for a US Senator.”

Democrat Tom Nelson, who has already announced plans to run against Johnson in 2022, also tweeted on Johnson's possible objection, calling it a “bizarre attack on the voters of Wisc.”