"I just winged it:" Boyfriend surprises girlfriend with "the best proposal she could have dreamed of!"
The best proposal ever?
The video was posted to YouTube last month by the bride-to-be.
Her boyfriend, now fiance, surprised her with "the best proposal she could have ever dreamed of!"
On their second anniversary, Blake unveiled a hand-crafted armoire he designed and built for his girlfriend, now fiancee Carly.
In the video, Carly is nearly brought to tears when she takes her first look at the elaborate armoire -- filled with all of her favorite things.
"How did you do this?!" Carly asks in the video.
"I just winged it," Blake says -- as he opens the armoire to show Carly what's inside.
Inside the armoire, Carly finds things like her favorite granola bars, her favorite gluten free brownie mix...and even summer sausage.
Around 7:45 into the video, Carly opens the armoire's final drawer -- and finds an even bigger surprise inside!