"I feel that urgency:" Taking action here to help the fight against Ebola in West Africa
MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Many are keeping a close eye on what's happening with Ebola -- and some in the Milwaukee area are taking action to try to help those affected, especially those in West Africa. You can help, simply by making a trip to the grocery store.
"I'm very much saddened. I know I am far from the country, but I feel that urgency to do something," Liliane McFarlane said.
McFarlane's quest to help her native West Africa isn't taking her to the countries of Liberia, Sierra Leone or Guinea -- hit hard by Ebola, but instead, it brought her to the grocery store.
"We felt this passion and need to help and I came up with the idea of maybe a supply drive to get some items to Sierra Leone," McFarlane said.
Things like bleach, hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes are being collected at grocery stores in the Milwaukee area.
McFarlane says one of the most common questions she's asked is why not just send money? The simple answer is they don't have stores in West Africa where they can get the supplies themselves. That's why they're asking people to get the supplies here, so they can be shipped over to those in need.
In addition to the supplies themselves, McFarlane says she hopes this effort can offer peace of mind -- especially for those watching what's happening for personal reasons.
"Hopefully we`ll be able to protect more of their family members. Hopefully we`ll be able to have them feel that we do care and we don`t think of this as something that is happening across the oceans and nothing can be done but only be taken care of by those affected directly by it," McFarlane said.
McFarlane says the items will be shipped during the first week of November with the help of a non-profit organization in California that has clearance to ship such items to West Africa.
Donations are being accepted through November 1st.
CLICK HERE for more on the effort to collect items for those affected by Ebola
CLICK HERE for a list of drop-off sites.
If you'd like to donate money -- a Go Fund Me account has been established. CLICK HERE to donate.
CLICK HERE for further coverage on Ebola via FOX6Now.com.