"I couldn't believe it:" An inside look at how Contact 6 gets cash back

MILWAUKEE — If you have a consumer problem, you can turn to FOX6's Contact 6 for results. So far this year, more than 300 viewers have reached out to Contact 6 and people are getting their money back.

Contact 6's Katrina Cravy meets with a homeowner and a contractor to work out a case.

Lately, the Contact 6 team has been handling some big cases including one where a customer, Penny Bigalke, and a contractor, Tim Futh, went head-to-head at the FOX6 station. It was a first for Contact 6's Katrina Cravy, but the issue got settled. In the end, Futh gave Bigalke more than $8,000.

"It was just shocking that I had been out that much money. But to see a check that big — I couldn't believe it," Bigalke said.

The stories that are on television are just a small part of all the consumer problems people bring to the Contact 6 team by going online and filling out a complaint form.

Once a form is filled out, the Contact 6 administrative assistant, Val, pumps out the paperwork to the companies and pumps up people who are turning to Contact 6 for help.

Contact 6 administrative assistant, Val, meets one of the many viewers she's helped.

When you are in a consumer crisis and need your cashback fast, Val is your front line person.

"I talked to her every other day. She helped me a lot," explained Casey Dorsey, a viewer who turned to Contact 6.

Contact 6 does it's best to get viewers results.  Sometimes it's simply finding the answer to a question and sometimes it's the all important refund.

So far this year, Contact 6 has helped get back more than $167,000 for viewers.

If you have a consumer complaint, you can fill out a form HERE.