Here’s what a vet says about whether doggie DNA tests are worth It
Find out what breed your dog is with a special DNA test just for your furry friends!
DNA test kits for humans are pretty popular, they were among Amazon's best selling items over the holidays, but what if you're wondering about your furry friend?
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Recently, my producer, Meghan McMonigle, tried a DNA test on her adopted pup, Ellie!
When Meghan adopted, she was told that Ellie was a purebred bichon frise, but thanks to a doggie DNA test called Wisdom Panel she was able to find out for sure.
The test is pretty straight forward, simply collect two saliva samples from your pup which of course, getting them can be tricky.
"Ellie was wobbling around and she wouldn't let me do it," said Meghan.
Then you simply mail in the samples to a lab and a few weeks later you’ll get an email with your results!
Three weeks later Meghan received an email with Ellie's breed by percentage.
She found out that Ellie is 50% miniature poodle, 37.5% bichon frise and 12.5% "other stuff."
So, is there any value to a doggie DNA test like this? We spoke to Dr. Tania White with Hancock Park Veterinary Clinic. "The thing that people need to remember is unless your dog is a good 20% to 25% of a particular breed it’s going to come out all over the place," she explained.
"I think if your dog is 50% something, some of the DNA issues, knowing the genetic predispositions might be nice," said Dr. White.
As for producer Meghan, she’ll love her dog just the same, even if it is more poodle than she thought!
Wisdom has two types of tests, a basic test costs $85 and tells you the breed of your dog, and then a more expensive test which screens for potential genetic health conditions.
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