"Have more confidence:" New billboard campaign reaches out to support struggling women

Meta House
MILWAUKEE -- Kicking a habit is hard but a local woman and organization shows you with the help, resources and support it can be done.
You see the determination and strength in her eyes; Kamisha Wells is depicted on the Meta House's public information campaign.

Kamisha Wells
"The life that I have I choose to live it to the fullest," said Wells. "It's really a good feeling."
Wells is using her story to inspire other women.
"I currently have seven years of sobriety. I struggled with addiction, substance abuse, as well as unhealthy relationships for about ten years of my life," said Wells.
Wells was treated at the Meta House and overcame her addiction.

Meta House
"Our goal is to not only help women recover but to go on and live a full, thriving life," said President and CEO of Meta House, Amy Lindner.

Amy Lindner
From outpatient and inpatient services -- which are available -- the organization makes sure to meet the needs which are enormous.
"We have residential treatment that means you are living with us with your kids," said Lindner.
The organization makes sure to meet the needs which are enormous.
"One of the reasons we are doing this outreach in particularly to the minority community right now, is opiates isn't the only problem we are having. Wisconsin still has a problem with alcohol. Alcohol is the fourth leading cause of death for people in Wisconsin," said Lindner.
Wells' face and campaign are on billboards and several signs throughout the city, in hopes that the prominent locations will catch the eye of women in need.

"I want you ladies and anybody out there struggling to know you can do it," Wells said.
Thanks to the resources, Wells made a transformation.
"I just graduated college in December. I'm that person that's effective now. I have more confidence in myself," said Wells.
It's a visual reminder to aide those with internal struggles of addiction.

Meta House