"Great to be out here:" Milwaukee police host Easter egg hunt in Sherman Park neighborhood
MILWAUKEE -- Milwaukee Police District Seven teamed up with some of their community partners to hold a second annual Easter egg hunt. The event was held in Sherman Park on Saturday, April 15th.
In addition to the egg hunt, kids were able to watch a movie, enjoy some treats and do some arts and crafts. It's all in an effort to build a stronger relationship between the community and Milwaukee police officers.
"This rates great. We don't get to interact a lot of times with the children with the community because we're always running from assignment to assignment -- so this is great to be out here with the kids," said an officer.
"If we have it next year I can tell there's going to be lots more kids because I can tell that lots of kids enjoyed. I mean it's candy. Who doesn't love candy," said Amillia Bell, volunteer.
Milwaukee police say this is just the beginning. They will continue to plan events allowing them to interact with the community in the Sherman Park neighborhood.