Governor Walker owes $952K from failed presidential bid

MADISON — Gov. Scott Walker chipped away $141,000 from his presidential campaign debt in March, largely by renting his donor lists to other campaigns.

Walker’s campaign debt stood at $952,255 on March 31st, down from nearly $1.1 million a month earlier, according to a filing made Friday, April 22nd with the Federal Election Commission. At the end of 2015, Walker had more than $1.2 million in debt from his presidential campaign, which ended in September.

The campaign raised $73,253 in March by renting to other candidates its list of donors and supporters. Walker has said publicly that he plans to pay off the remaining debt by year’s end.

“We’re on track to do that by the end of the year, which is good,” Walker said in Appleton on April 14. “If I’m seriously going to consider reelection (for governor) in 2018, I want that out of the way by the end of the year.”

Walker has said he is “inclined” to run for a third term as Wisconsin governor, but said he will make a final decision after this year.

CLICK HERE to access Governor Walker's presidential campaign finance report.