Generous gift: Donor clears way for new housing for MSOE students, faculty & staff
MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- A prime piece of Milwaukee real estate had become a bit of an eyesore -- until recently. That's when a gift from an anonymous donor helped breathe life back into the building.
The building at the corner of Water and Juneau in downtown was initially meant to be a StayBridge Suites. But thanks to financial difficulties, it sat mostly vacant for several years -- except for a restaurant on the street level. Then an anonymous donor purchased the entire building -- and paid to develop it into apartment housing for students, faculty and staff at the Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE). That donor then gifted the building to the school.
The first 102 units are now done -- and they're occupied. A few more floors are currently under construction.
FOX6 News is told there's still one more floor of student housing that will be completed around January. Additionally, there are a few floors that will be dedicated to graduate students, faculty and staff. Those too will be completed in the coming months.