Freshwater summit held at Discovery World for area high schoolers
MILWAUKEE -- The "Building the Water Generation" summit is a program at Discovery World, where 100 teens from six Milwaukee area high schools learned the importance of protecting the freshwater system. It is part of the Discovery World Museum's United Nations-recognized "Thirst" program, aimed at bringing awareness of water conservation and how to keep water clean.
From legislators, to companies that utilize clean water, the summit also featured guest speakers to discuss what action can be taken to preserve the Great Lakes. "(Water) is the one thing we can't do without, and that we can't make. There's only so much of it. We, at Discovery World recognize that the teenagers are really the future," Discovery World Executive Director Paul Krajniak said.
Krajniak says the goal of the summit is to inspire teens to study or use water technology as a career opportunity. "Aiming them at the new School of Freshwater at UWM. At MATC they have a new Water Management program, and really connecting them with the resources that are there," Krajniak said.
High schools that participated in Tuesday's summit include Bradley Tech, Project Learning Institute and Saint Joan Antida. Discovery World is making plans for a second program to be held later this school year.