Downtown Milwaukee’s Employee Appreciation Week
Milwaukee Downtown BID #21 is teaming up with downtown businesses
Brian is limbering up for today’s events where fitness and beer are part of the fun.
MILWAUKEE - Milwaukee Downtown BID #21 is teaming up with downtown businesses and community leaders to welcome back downtown employees during the 16th annual Downtown Employee Appreciation. Brian is limbering up for today’s events where fitness and beer are part of the fun.
This week is Downtown Milwaukee’s Employee Appreciation Week
Brian checking out some of the games that downtown workers are playing during this week of fun on the clock.
Downtown Milwaukee Employee Appreciation Week is back
Brian is in the Schlitz Park Brewhouse Square with Bango finding out why the Bucks are giving back to the downtown workforce.
This week marks the 16th year that Downtown Milwaukee Bid #21
Brian has details on this year’s Employee Appreciation Week.
Milwaukee Downtown, BID #21 is teaming up with downtown businesses and community leaders
Brian is getting in on the fun and learning a few yoga poses in a class that’s called Yoga For Stiff Bodies.
Have you ever wanted to explore downtown Milwaukee’s waterways?
Brian can help. He’s with Milwaukee Kayak Company.