DOT: Construction work on most projects will be suspended over Memorial Day weekend
MILWAUKEE -- The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) will temporarily halt construction work on many highway improvement projects across the state over the Memorial Day weekend to enhance traffic flow and accommodate higher traffic volumes
Although workers will open as many highway lanes as possible, motorists should still allow extra travel time and expect slower traffic in work zones and during peak travel periods.
Construction in most highway work zones will stop by noon on Friday, May 25, and will not resume until 6 a.m. on Tuesday, May 29. Peak travel times for the holiday weekend are expected to occur between noon and 8 p.m. on both Friday, May 25, and Monday, May 28.
“For the safety of motorists and workers, most highway construction is being put on hold for the holiday weekend, but drivers will still need to be patient and alert for slowing traffic, especially in work zones,” said WisDOT Secretary Dave Ross. “The State Patrol and other law enforcement agencies will be out enforcing traffic laws and assisting stranded motorists. We’re asking all motorists to plan ahead, buckle up, watch their speed and celebrate responsibly.”
To help prevent traffic deaths and injuries, law enforcement agencies across Wisconsin are watching for unbuckled motorists as part of the Click It or Ticket mobilization that continues through June 3rd.
Other important traffic safety reminders:
Significant road construction projects that may impact Memorial Day weekend travel:
For up-to-the-minute information on work zones and incidents that may affect highway travel, motorists can access the state’s 511 travel information system by downloading the free 511 Wisconsin mobile app or following @511WI on Twitter. Users can also access the system by dialing 511 on a phone or visiting on the web.