Dontre Hamilton protests continue "onward"
MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- There are new developments in the case involving a fired Milwaukee police officer. That news comes as protesters supporting Dontre Hamilton, again made their way through the city on Thursday evening, October 16th.
The theme of Thursday's protest was "onward." The group that has been marching for months said Thursday their effort is growing.
On the heels of a big decision, in which Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn announced the firing of Milwaukee Police Officer Christopher Manney, protesters marched through downtown Milwaukee, repeating a message that has become their motto, "Justice for Dontre."
Hamilton was shot and killed in Red Arrow Park five months ago, on April 30th. Thursday's march came one day after the announcement Manney has been terminated.
"You kind of are happy because he's fired," said Nate Hamilton, Dontre's brother.
But for family, it's frustrating.
"That's not enough. You're still justifying that he shot this man after violating his rights," said Nate Hamilton.
They are upset Chief Flynn said Manney was wrong in his actions leading up to Hamilton's death -- not the shooting itself. Chief Flynn said it wasn't the deadly use of force Manney used that led to his firing, but rather, the unwarranted pat down Manney performed on Hamilton that escalated the situation, necessitating the use of deadly force.
"You can violate a man's rights, and then you can kill him dead? I just don't understand that," said Nate Hamilton said.
In Thursday's march from Red Arrow Park to the Police Administration Building -- the chants grew louder, with supporters demanding the arrest, charging and conviction of Manney.
"I just want the police department to take as much responsibility as they would put on a regular citizen," said Nate Hamilton said.
Protesters ended up at Starbucks at Red Arrow Park. Workers there, protesters say, called police on Dontre Hamilton in late April.
The march ended with a promise that this will continue for as long as it has to.
"We need some change," said Nate Hamilton.
The Hamilton family disputes claims there was a violent fight between Manney and Dontre Hamilton. They say there is photo evidence of Manney's injuries -- they continue to ask those photos be made public.
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