Donation from Milwaukee group helps paralyzed veterans stay active; 'All types of terrain'

MILWAUKEE -- A Milwaukee organization is helping paralyzed veterans stay active -- allowing them to move a lot easier in the future.

Dale Nelson

"All types of terrain, whether it would be sand or gravel, even snow," said Dale Nelson, president of Paralyzed Veterans of America.

"A normal wheelchair does not access those areas," said Greg Grueneberg.

Grueneberg is the founder of Adaptive Works, an organization improving the lives of injured veterans -- that includes a small farm operation.

Track chair for Paralyzed Veterans of America

"Try to engage our veterans in programs such as outdoor events. That's how Adaptive Works comes in real well with us," Nelson said.

On Wednesday, June 13, Grueneberg was presented with an action track chair -- which will allow paralyzed veterans easier access to his fields on 7 Mile Road.

Track chair for Paralyzed Veterans of America

"This is an excellent donation. I can't thank Wisconsin Paralyzed Veterans of America enough for making this possible," Grueneberg said. "Same track system you would use on a snowmobile or anything like that!"

Scott Griffith

Grueneberg raised funds for the chair and Dale Nelson took him the rest of the way.

"To reach out to as many veterans as possible and or individuals who need a track chair to get around -- so they can go out and do activities such as farming in this case," said Scott Griffith, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Wisconsin Chapter.