Dockless scooter operators end operations for rest of 2019, scooter feedback sought
MILWAUKEE -- The Milwaukee Dockless Scooter Pilot Study is nearing an end -- it will conclude on Dec. 31. Per the pilot, operators (scooter companies) are authorized to reduce their fleet from Nov. 15 to Dec. 31 due to winter weather conditions. All three operators (Spin, Bird, and Lime) have chosen to end their operations for the remainder of the year.
Meanwhile, whether or not you ride dockless scooters in the City of Milwaukee, the Department of Public Works (DPW) wants your feedback on the matter.
A news release says the survey is intended for both people who have and have not used scooters in Milwaukee. Information on who is using scooters, why people choose to ride scooters, what people enjoy about scooters, and what concerns people have with scooters in Milwaukee will be gathered. Responses from the survey will be included in the city’s evaluation of the pilot study.

In addition to survey results, the city will also consider feedback from community members and community groups who have been engaged throughout the pilot study, scooter ridership data, and complaints received regarding the use and parking of scooters. Combined, this information will help DPW, city officials, and residents of Milwaukee evaluate the pilot study and identify next steps regarding dockless scooters in Milwaukee.
CLICK HERE to take the dockless scooter survey (English)
¡Nuestra Encuesta de Scooter es en Español! Tome la encuesta aquí