Contact 6: Fake employment calls
MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- FOX6's Contact 6 has an alert for job seekers. Callers are trying to get you on the line, and take a lot more than your time!
For many, jobs are scarce these days, so any opportunity is critical. Unfortunately, some individuals are taking advantage of that desperation by making phone calls to homes nationwide -- pretending to be an employment agency and really looking to get your personal information.
The BBB says automated voice prompts ask questions typical of a job interview: your name, educational background and salary requirements.
Then, a live caller takes the line and, in many cases, asks for billing and financial information. In some cases, the caller admits there isn't a job opening, but tries to connect you to job opportunities -- which is nothing more than a sales call.
The FTC considers these kinds of calls so irritating to homeowners, it actually held a contest for the best new technology to block robo-calls.
FOX6's Contact 6 says if you didn't request the information, don't respond to it. Just hangup on these kind of calls. Never give out your personal information to someone you don't know and file a complaint with the FTC.
If you do want to make a purchase, FOX6's Contact 6 says to always get the caller's name, the company name, address and phone number.