"Compete Milwaukee:" Program that connects employers, job seekers in its second year

MILWAUKEE -- Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett on Thursday, March 17th kicked off the second year of a jobs program in the city called "Compete Milwaukee."

To date, nearly 200 Milwaukee residents have participated in the program -- putting them on a career path to employment.

The program connects employers and people looking for jobs.

It provides people temporary work in a variety of areas, while at the same time, providing job readiness training, career counseling and ultimately, a new job.

"The purpose is to get them the positive momentum they need to get back in the workforce. Oftentimes, with someone who's not been in the workforce, whether it's their own issues or issues beyond their control, needs to get that positive momentum," Mayor Barrett said.

There is also a Compete Milwaukee Police Ambassador Program. The program gives people a pathway to a job while improving police-community relations.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the Compete Milwaukee program.