Committee approves Youth Council's recommended funding allocations for youth-oriented programming
MILWAUKEE -- The city of Milwaukee's Community and Economic Development Committee on Monday, July 13th signed off on the Milwaukee Youth Council’s recommended funding allocations totaling $73,960 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) reprogramming funds for youth-oriented programming.
The Youth Council met last week with six agencies requesting funding for various programs and projects that benefit Milwaukee’s youth. Following the proposals from the agencies, the Youth Council made their recommendations to the Community and Economic Development Committee for approval at Monday’s meeting.
The MYC’s five selected agency proposals were recommended for approval unanimously by the committee, and will go before the full Common Council when it meets at on Tuesday, July 21st at City Hall.
The following agencies received funds for their programs:
Alderman Joe Davis Sr. issued this statement to FOX6 News:
I am very pleased that my colleagues on the Community and Economic Development Committee saw the wisdom in my plan to reallocate $2 million in federal Community Development Block Grant funding from city services to community-based organizations, voting 4-1 today in favor of sending it on to the full Common Council.
These are trying times in the City of Milwaukee. Community-based organizations are our boots on the ground in the fight against systemic inequality and the violent crime that results. The resources that the committee has voted to redirect can do more good in the hands of the community than as a funding source for city services.
The reallocation of these funds is just the first phase of my bold plan, and one of many possible solutions I look forward to working with my colleagues on in order to address the very serious issues in our neighborhoods. I look forward to winning their support on this piece of legislation at our full Common Council meeting next week.