"Christmas is about giving:" Law enforcement officials, kids team up for 8th annual "Shop with a Cop"

MILWAUKEE COUNTY (WITI) -- Law enforcement officials providing more than just protection for 80 lucky kids this holiday season. On Saturday, December 6th, they teamed up for the 8th annual "Shop With a Cop" event.

The national program came to Milwaukee County in 2007.

On Saturday, Sheriff's deputies and officers from all over the area got together to share breakfast with the kids at the Intercontinental Hotel downtown before taking them shopping.

"Every single one of these kids buys $100 worth of gifts for their families, which will be wrapped under the tree before they finish up today," said Edward Bailey, with the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office.

Deputies say the point is to remind kids Christmas is about giving.

They have to buy presents for their entire family before they can start looking for something for themselves.

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