Cars swerve as mother duck leads babies across busy freeway
MOUNDS VIEW, Minn. -- DOT cameras in Minnesota captured a mother duck leading her babies across a busy freeway, forcing several cars to swerve to avoid hitting the ducks.
The ducks crossed four lanes of busy traffic. Several cars are shown swerving and switching lanes.
The lucky ducks made it across safely. However, the Minnesota State Patrol is telling motorists they should not stop for ducks or any other animal crossing a busy freeway.
"Unfortunately these little ducks are on a freeway where they're not supposed to be," Lt. Tiffani Nielson of Minnesota State Patrol told KARE11. "People should not stop on a freeway."
"It's just the risk to the person, human, is greater than the ducks," Nielson said. "No one wants to hit the ducks, and I get that, but we've all driven on a freeway and we're never thinking, will I need to stop ahead?"