Captured: Violent sex offender believed to be hiding out on Milwaukee's south side
Update: U.S. Marshals received numerous tips following the story FOX6 News profiled on Matthew Thomas. On Saturday, June 15 officials say Thomas was arrested in Florida.
MILWAUKEE -- U.S. Marshals say a sex offender not complying with his registry is potentially hiding out on Milwaukee's south side.
"I think the biggest concern we have is that he's a non-compliant sex offender we can't find, we can't locate," the deputy U.S. Marshal on the case said. "We would hate to see another victim."
U.S. Marshals have been searching extensively since February for 29-year-old Matthew Thomas. They say he is a Milwaukee man on the run.
Officials say Thomas sometimes goes by the name "Cody." The crime for which he was convicted includes strangulating and suffocating a victim.
"He's also got outstanding warrants for violating restraining orders and failure to register as a sex offender,” the deputy U.S. Marshal explained. “We do believe he has plenty of people that have been helping him on the south side that have caused us some problems in locating him."
Authorities describe Thomas as standing 5'7" tall, weighing 155 pounds, with distinct tattoos on his left arm that read “sucker free” and “da boss.”
“This is an individual that needs to take care of these warrants and an individual we will continue to seek,” the deputy explained. “If Matthew is watching this, I would strongly encourage him that these warrants are not going away the longer he stays out the worst the consequences can be.”
If you have information that could help U.S. Marshals, you are urged to call 414-297-3707.