Brisket is on Ted's Super Bowl snack menu

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Hello there, slow cooker fans. So you want my brisket recipe? Well, there isn't one. I mean there IS one, but it's what you want it to be.

Look, cavemen needed meat and they needed heat and they had dinner. We have measured, minced and basically over thought every meal since.

The beauty of the slow cooker is that it gives your meat recipe time to simmer in its own juices.  So yes, I used Penzey spices (Black Pepper and Mitchell Street Rub) and threw in some Saz's BBQ sauce (about a half-cup) and mixed it with Koops Dijon mustard (about a half-cup). I tossed in a bottle of Sprecher Root Beer to keep it moist (sorry, I know many people hate that word) and added some garlic and celery to add flavor.

And then, and here's the hard part, I LEFT IT ALONE FOR 8 HOURS.

You shouldn't have to cut the meat; it should just be able to be picked up with a fork and put on a bun.

Enjoy -- and don't over think this.