Arrest warrants out after video shows man running through Walmart naked, pouring milk on himself
SOUTH WILLIAMSON, Kentucky -- A shocking night at Walmart for some shoppers in South Williamson, Kentucky! Video posted to YouTube shows a naked man running through the store, pouring milk on himself and screaming that he was on fire.
YouTube officials removed the video because it shows nudity.
Two men are facing charges in this case.
The video shows the man in the store wearing nothing but shoes, socks and a Halloween mask.
"Well the first question I would have is why? Why would he want to do that? They can go to jail and they will go to jail," Pike County Sheriff Rodney Scott said.
Scott says the video may have generated some laughts, but it's also generated criminal charges.
"If we don't, then it could be happening all the time. So that's why it's important to go ahead and make these arrests," Scott said.
The video ends with the man hopping into a getaway car, which then fled the scene.
No arrests have yet been made. There are warrants out for the naked man seen in the video and the person who recorded it.
Officials haven't yet been able to make contact with the getaway driver.