Abele to greet veterans walking from Milw. to Los Angeles in Calif.

MILWAUKEE (WITI) – Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele will greet Operation Iraqi Freedom Veterans Tom Voss and Anthony Anderson in California on Saturday, February 1st as they end their 2,700 mile walk from Milwaukee to Los Angeles.

Voss and Anderson set off on August 30th to walk across the country to increase awareness of veterans issues and raise money for Dryhooch, a Milwaukee organization formed by combat veterans to help veterans returning home from war.

Before Voss and Anderson left, County Executive Abele personally donated $10,000 to their effort and promised another $10,000 when they made it. Abele is flying out to California to walk the final few miles with the veterans, to make good on his donation and fulfill his promise to buy the men dinner.

County Executive Abele is the grandson of Mannert Abele, a WWII Submarine Commander who was killed in action. Commander Abele was posthumously awarded the Navy Cross for heroic action.

“Veterans issues have always been close to my heart. I’ve had the honor of supporting a number of veterans groups over the years and what Tom and Anthony have accomplished is nothing short of amazing,” County Executive Abele said. “I encourage anyone who supports our service men and women to consider making a donation to this effort.”

During their walk, Voss and Anderson traveled through Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and California. The walk is expected to end at the Santa Monica Pier at 3pm PST on Saturday, February 1st.