12% increase in ER visits last year: Blood donors are needed ahead of Memorial Day weekend
MILWAUKEE -- Officials with the BloodCenter of Wisconsin are calling for donors ahead of the Memorial Day weekend. Memorial Day marks the unofficial start to summer, and BloodCenter of Wisconsin officials said they're anticipating an increased need for blood.

Blood donation
BloodCenter of Wisconsin officials said unfortunately, holiday weekends mean an increase in accidents, and emergency rooms become significantly busier. They said Froedtert and the Medical College of Wisconsin saw a 12% increase in ER visits last Memorial Day weekend.
On Monday, May 22nd, BloodCenter officials said in a statement: "We are currently at a half-day supply of O-negative blood – which is used in emergency situations. And, in the weeks ahead, we can no longer rely on the generous blood donations we receive from high school and university blood drives."

You're asked to donate blood this week if you're able -- as some patients require dozens of transfusions, and BloodCenter officials must ensure blood is available for all those in need.
6:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at Milwaukee, Greenfield, Waukesha, and Wauwatosa donor centers on May 29th.
To schedule an appointment, call 1-877-BE-A-HERO or CLICK HERE.