The fastest game on grass: The Milwaukee Hurling Club 'is one of largest hurling clubs in America'
MILWAUKEE -- Brian Kramp spent the morning with the Milwaukee Hurling Club at Brown Deer Park.
WHAT IS THE MHC? (website)
The Milwaukee Hurling Club is one of largest hurling clubs in America. Unlike most other clubs, the MHC fields co-ed teams, and is primarily made up of players who are American-born and not native to the sport. Players of all levels are welcome to join. Many of our members have found that joining the MHC is a great way to get fit, learn a new sport, and make new friends. Today it boasts a membership of more than 350 adults and youth.
The Milwaukee Hurling Club, a Wisconsin Charitable Organization (No. 8529-800), educates individuals of all ages about the ancient Irish sport of hurling in an inclusive environment that fosters positive sportsmanship and benefits our members socially, mentally and physically.