Peak Physique is focused on making your experience enjoyable and challenging
WEST ALLIS -- Kramp spent the morning at Peak Physique in West Allis -- where he got a full body workout.
About Peak Physique (website)
Peak Physique is now located at 8303 W Becher Street in West Allis. Peak Physique offers small group training, and 1 on 1 personal training. The videos below exemplify what a typical day at Peak Physique looks like.
Peak Physique is focused on making your experience enjoyable and challenging every time you workout. In doing so we offer a variety of forms of movement.
If you come to Peak Physique it is likely you will learn the basics of boxing! Boxing is a great way to relieve stress, strengthen, and build-up cardio. The video above demonstrates what a boxing session looks like.
Youth training is also a focus of Peak Physique! Young athletes can benefit from personal training because all of the focus is on improving their “sport specific weaknesses”. Peak Physique works with young athletes competing in hockey, wrestling, soccer, and football.