Overnight full closures: A look at upcoming construction that impact your commute
MILWAUKEE -- Ryan Luck with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation joins FOX6 WakeUp to about the upcoming construction that could impact your commute.
Friday, April 18
Overnight Full Closure I-94 East at Moorland Road for sign structure work - 11PM - 6AM
Overnight Full Closure I-94 West at the Zoo Interchange for sign structure work - 11PM - 6AM
Overnight Full Closure I-41 South to I-94 West system ramp for sign structure work - 11PM - 6AM
Overnight Full Closure I-41/894 North to I-94 West system ramp for sign structure work - 11PM - 6AM
Thursday, May 4
Overnight Full Closure I-94 East to I-41/894 South system ramp for sign structure work - 11PM - 4:30AM
HEADS UP: There is a traffic switch scheduled for the week of May 8th that will restrict the 84th Street westbound entrance to I-41 North only.